Project #1 Lost & Found


This Assignment explores the ambiguity in human language as well as the gap between human language and computer language. I completed with a partner who gave me a detailed descriptions of a personal object that they had lost in the past. Then based on the description, I re-create this Emerald earring in p5.js.

My partner is Marcinia, in her words "Emerald Earring This object has two pieces There is a green stone/rock. It reflects light very well. A plate is holding the stone is perfectly oval There is a needle like point behind the plate. The second piece is a rubber cylinder with a hole big enough for the needle point to be secure."

Design Process

I started out with the making the plate which holds the gem. After contemplating the angle of the earring, I did the needle behind as a line. The cyclinder was tricky to understand but it fit the needle. The gold border and Emerald looked fine together but the line
"It reflects light very well." made me think that it was missing something but gradient wasn't working so I ended up doing the gradient loop.


This assignment gave me alot of reflection on what every word means. In my first reading of the description I had a very different image of the earring being described. But by the fourth reading I was able to comprehend that the plate isn't an actual plate where the earring is kept but the plate that acts as a gem holder and the needle on the back is attachment for the earring. The first thing that I observed was that if my partner hadn't included 'Emerald' in her description, my interpretation would have been alot different. And I would have imagined something of a different color and probably not an earring. I also spent alot of time trying to understand what a perfect oval mean to different people. It could be lenghtwise or widthwise long depending on their the kind of gems they had seen. For my interpretation of the image I had a few constrating imagery in my mind whilst to code I had to settle for one. I also added color to the image from my experience, the metal could be silver or gold and same of the cyclinder. The Emerad can be any shade as well. The earring can be kept at any angle, can be viewed from a different perspective as well. One can imagine it in a more real life context where someone is wearing it hence it was my perception and expirence with the image formed in my mind that would be depicted as code. But the line that the gem reflects light very well made me think more about the gem's properties and how I could do justice to that image. So with a little extra effort I added a gradient loop.