Project #10 Sousveillance Tool

Code of the sketch


For this assignment, we had to use sousveillance as a guide and begin researching for publicly available API + JSON datasets to include in this project and find a way of visualizing it.

Design Process

I started looking at datasets for Sousveillance, but whichever I found wasn't organised enough in the way I wanted to use them. So for using this currency rate dataset, I manually rearranged it and then sorted it out according to increasing cuurency exchage rate wrt to Dollar. I made an eye made of the data points. This eye representes sousveillance; as it is surveillance from a higher authority because I think determining which currency is more valuable or less value in comparision to the American Dollar. I wish to unveil the inner politics attached to this predicament.


The toughest part of this assignment was finding a dataset which is organised. I initially wanted to use a dataset which can locate accessible metro stations or buildings but MTA API wasn't working. Then I wanted to use a dataset that located Trans safe Restrooms but dataset wasn't organised. And then there were APIs for identity marking of IP addresses and security detection for emails and calls but accesing the IP address that an email comes from is a long process and can't be achieved with p5.js. I also tried to use API for fraud detection and reports but narrowing them according to state didn't work because the dataset wasn't organised for that use. Eventually after trying alot of APIs I got this one working but it wasn't getting sorted in acsending order of exchange rate so I manually organised it in way to be used to make an sousveillance eye.