Project #3 Experimental Clock
This assignment pushed us to think about time in a more personal manner. How time moves for an individual and how they gauge time in their daily life is thought about in its more mundane depths.
So we are tasked with developing an experimental clock that can function in ways that ordinary clocks cannot. We need to think of time expansively and alternatively, moving beyond conventional time keeping units. What are other ways in which one can mark the passage of time? What if time itself were turned on its head, driven not by standard time-keeping units, but perhaps subjective, personal, or even irrational organization?
Design Process
I orient my timeline around the sun rays coming into my room, how bright my room is what colour the sun rays are painting it.
For example at morning 9:30, it’s fairly blue and sun isn’t visible but by 12 sun rays are coming in and room is very yellow, by evening 4 it’s bright orange and there is direct sunlight, by 7:30 the sun has set and it starts getting dark.
By the sounds around me I’m able to realise that it’s 1am at night and everyone has went to sleep.
So I wanted to design something in which there is a sun that changes its color. While I didn't work out the room and sunlight connection here, what I wanted to do was derive my clock from a game "tetris" where blocks of random color auntomatically come after a few seconds. So my design transitioned to a tile design.
Here the little blocks that appear denote seconds while with each passing minute the square in middle which is kinda symbolic to sky covers the whole canvas in an hour. Also the sun at left changes size and color according to the standard clock hour.
This assignment gave me alot of reflection on what time means for an individual and how even though we all have been bound by a standard clock we are freely gauging time in our own ways. Time is a prison that reflects linearity in our thinking and approach on life. I often wonder about the objectivity of time and if its just a loop which we are not able to discover. There is a TV show "The Good Place" that says that time is like a loop and is spelled as a "Jerimy Berimy". While doing this assignment I kept thinking about how to manipulate time and untouchable entity while trying to map it to functions.